Media Advisories
Nov. 11, 2004
Alwyn Cassil (202) 264-3484 or
Editors Note: To obtain an electronic copy of the article, news reporters may e-mail Alwyn Cassil.
ASHINGTON, D.CThe boom-and-bust pattern in health insurance marketsknown as the underwriting cycleis likely to be more muted in the coming years, reducing premium volatility but possibly leading to higher average premiums, according to a study by Center for Studying Health System Change (HSC) researchers published in the November/December edition of the journal Health Affairs.
Historically, the health insurance underwriting cycle has followed a regular pattern of three years of profitability followed by three years of losses. Typically, higher profits attract new market entrants and drive more intense price competition. In turn, the increased price competition leads to underwriting losses as premium trends fall below underlying health cost trends. As insurers exit unprofitable markets or lines of business, the remaining insurers raise premiums above costs, driving a return to profitability and a repeat of the cycle.
The studys authorsJoy Grossman, Ph.D., HSC associate director; and HSC President Paul B. Ginsburg, Ph.D.point out, however, that the underwriting cycle changed in the 1990s. Managed cares dominance suppressed prices in unexpected ways early in the decade, just as the consumer backlash against managed care and insurers responses set the stage for unpredictable price increases later in the decade. The underwriting cycle appeared to break, with "longer and more uneven periods of gains and losses and less extreme fluctuation in profitability," according to the article.
Based on interviews with industry experts, the authors conclude that the underwriting
cycle hasnt disappeared but is likely to be more muted in the coming years.
Continuing insurance industry consolidation makes it more likely that the industry
will forgo heated price competition, while better forecasting tools will allow
insurers to set premiums closer to underlying costs, resulting in less premium
volatility but potentially higher average premiums.
The Center for Studying Health System Change is a nonpartisan policy research organization committed to providing objective and timely research on the nations changing health system to help inform policy makers and contribute to better health care policy. HSC, based in Washington, D.C., is funded principally by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and is affiliated with Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Health Affairs, published by Project HOPE, is a bimonthly multidisciplinary journal devoted to publishing the leading edge in health policy thought and research. For more information, contact Jon Gardner at Health Affairs at (301) 347-3930 or via e-mail at