Association Leaders Speak Out on Health System Change
January/February 1997
Health Affairs, vol.16, no.1 (January/February 1997): 150-157
Janet M. Corrigan, Paul B. Ginsburg
eaders of 15 national professional organizations and trade
associations were interviewed about developments in the health care industry. There was
general consensus that change is inevitable and that private purchasers of health
insurance, especially very large companies, have played an important role in many of the
changes. Other significant developments include changes in medical practice and
technology, as well as increasingly sophisticated clinical information systems. The
leaders expressed enthusiasm about the potential of managed care, and they recognized the
importance of providing consumers with a choice of insurance products. Also important were
the trend toward horizontal integration and downsizing of hospitals, the changing role of
academic medical centers, the movement of physicians into group practice and the growing
numbers of uninsured and underinsured.
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