Conference |
Date |
HSC's 18th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference
Nov. 21, 2013
HSC's 18th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference Conference Webcast
HSC's 18th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference Conference Transcript
HSC's 17th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference
Dec. 19, 2012
HSC's 17th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference Conference Transcript
Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference Podcast
HSC's 16th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference
Oct. 12, 2011
HSC's 16th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference Conference Transcript
HSC's 15th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference
Sept. 28, 2010
HSC's 15th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference Conference Transcript
HSC's 14th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference
July 8, 2009
HSC's 14th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference Conference Transcript
The Dollars and Sense of Prevention: A Primer for Health Policy Makers
June 8, 2009
The Dollars and Sense of Prevention: A Primer for Health Policy Makers Conference Transcript
Innovations in Preventing and Managing Chronic Conditions: What's Working in the Real World
April 8, 2009
Innovations in Preventing and Managing Chronic Conditions: What's Working in the Real World? Conference Transcript
Rising Rates of Chronic Health Conditions: What Can Be Done?
July 31, 2008
Rising Rates of Chronic Health Conditions: What Can Be Done? Conference Transcript
Rising Rates of Chronic Health Conditions: What Can Be Done? Issue Brief No. 125
HSC's 13th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference
July 9, 2008
HSC's 13th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference Conference Transcript
Health Care Cost and Access Challenges Persist Initial Findings from HSC's 2007 Site Visits
Oct. 4, 2007
Health Care Cost and Access Challenges Persist: Initial Findings from HSC's 2007 Site Visits Conference Transcript
HSC's 12th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference
June 14, 2007
HSC's 12th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference Conference Transcript
HSC's 11th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference
June 21, 2006
11th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference Conference Transcript
The Transformation of Competition in Health Care
Dec. 2, 2005
HSC's 10th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference
July 13, 2005
10th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference Conference Transcript
HSC's Ninth Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference
June 24, 2004
Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference Transcript
Can Market Competition Cure an Ailing Health System? A Joint Conference of HSC and Health Affairs
March 12, 2004
Can Market Competition Cure an Ailing Health System? Conference Transcript
Patient Cost Sharing: Promises and Pitfalls
Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2003
Patient Cost Sharing: Promises and Pitfalls Conference Transcript
HSC's Eighth Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference
June 18, 2003
Eighth Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference Transcript
Specialty Hospitals: Focused Factories or Cream Skimmers?
April 15, 2003
Specialty Hospitals: Focused Factories or Cream Skimmers? Conference Transcript
Individual Health Insurance: Fact, Opinion and Policy
Oct. 23, 2002
Individual Health Insurance: Fact, Opinion and Policy Conference Transcript
HSC's Seventh Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference
June 11, 2002
Wall Street Comes to Washington Issue Brief No. 54
Seventh Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference Transcript
Emerging Health Care Market Trends: Insights from Communities
Dec. 10, 2001
Emerging Health Care Market Trends Conference Transcript
HSC's Sixth Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Market Watchers and Policy Analysts Evaluate the Health Care System
July 12, 2001
Sixth Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference Transcript
How to Make Tax Credits for Health Insurance Work: The Role of Purchasing Pools
April 10, 2001
How to Make Tax Credits for Health Insurance Work: The Role of Purchasing Pools Conference Transcript
Tax Credits and Purchasing Pools: Will This Marriage Work? Issue Brief No. 36
Defining "Defined Contributions": New Directions for Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Coverage?
October 10, 2000
Are Defined Contributions a New Direction for Employer-Sponsored Coverage? Issue Brief No. 32
Defining "Defined Contributions": Conference Transcript
Do HMOs Make a Difference? Comparing Access, Service Use and Satisfaction Between Consumers in HMOs and Non-HMOs
March 9, 2000
Do HMOs Make a Difference? Issue Brief No. 28
Do HMOs Make a Difference? Inquiry, vol.36, no.4 (Winter 1999/2000): 374-377 |
Do HMOs Make a Difference? Inquiry, vol.36, no.4 (Winter 1999/2000): 378-389 |
Do HMOs Make a Difference? Inquiry, vol.36, no.4 (Winter 1999/2000): 390-399 |
Do HMOs Make a Difference? Inquiry, vol.36, no.4 (Winter 1999/2000): 400-410 |
Do HMOs Make a Difference? Inquiry, vol.36, no.4 (Winter 1999/2000): 411-418 |
Do HMOs Make a Difference? Inquiry, vol.36, no.4 (Winter 1999/2000): 419-425 |
HSC Fifth Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington: Market Watchers Evaluate the Health Care System
June 21, 2000
Wall Street Analysts Bullish on Managed Care, Bearish on Revolution Health Care Information Technology Conference Executive Summary
Fifth Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington: Conference Transcript
HSC'S 4th Annual Wall Street Comes To Washington: Analysts’ Perspectives on Health System Change
June 9, 1999
Wall Street Comes to Washington: Issue Brief No. 21
Wall Street Analysts Predict Several Years of Higher Health Plan Premiums Conference Executive Summary
Fourth Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington: Conference Transcript
Independent No More: How Effective Have Physician Organizations Been in Responding to Managed Care?
January 27, 1999
How Physician Organizations Are Responding to Managed Care Issue Brief No. 20
Physicians Must Lead Local Organizations if Practices Are to Work, Panel Says Conference Executive Summary
Independent No More: Conference Transcript
Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates in Boston Conference Organizational Scenario
Community Hospitals in Indianapolis Conference Organizational Scenario
Thomas-Davis Medical Centers, formerly Tucson and Pheonix Conference Organizational Scenario
Update on the Nation's Health Care System: Results from Tracking 12 Communities, 1997-1999
November 16, 1999
HSC Conference Focusing on the Nation's Health Care System Finds It Is in Tremendous Turmoil Conference Executive Summary
Update on the Nation's Health Care System: Conference Transcript