HSC Surveys
HSC periodically conducts national surveys of households
and physicians. For the first four rounds of each survey,
the survey samples were concentrated in 60 communities that were randomly selected
to provide a representative profile of change across the U.S. Among these communities,
are 48 "large" metropolitan areas (with populations greater than 200,000),
from which 12 communities were randomly selected to be studied in depth. Those
12 communities have larger survey samples and also comprise the communities
used for the site visits. The most recent physician (2008) and household (2007 and 2010)
surveys are nationally representative but do not support community-level analyses.
The survey data collected over the first four rounds can be used to draw conclusions
for the nation and for individual communities. Having data from multiple surveys
for a common set of sites permits analysts to relate the individual-level measures
obtained from one survey to market-level health system characteristics obtained
from the other surveys. The 2007 and 2010 Household Surveys and 2008 Physician Surveys support
analyses at the national level only. Note that there are no links between any
of the survey respondents in the household, physician and employer surveys (e.g.,
respondents to the Household Survey are not patients of physicians in the Physician
Household Survey
Approximately 17,000 people took part in the 2010 survey. The survey focuses on assessing whether consumers’ access to health care is improving or declining over time. The survey also explores patients’ satisfaction with the care they receive and with their insurance coverage. Information about health status, sociodemographic characteristics
and employment is also collected. Mathematica Policy Research conducts the Household
Survey for HSC. The first five household surveys were conducted in 1996-97,
1998-99, 2000-01, 2003 and 2007.
Physician Survey
Practicing physicians across the country provide perspectives on how health
care delivery is changing. Physicians respond to a series of questions about
source of practice revenue, problems they face in practicing medicine, quality
of care, access to services, information technology, sources of practice revenue
and compensation, as well as questions about their practice arrangements and
care practices. More than 12,000 practicing physicians across the country provided
perspectives on how health care delivery is changing in the first three rounds
of the survey (1996-97, 1998-99, 2000-01), while more than 6,600 physicians
were interviewed in round four (2004-05) and more than 4,700 physicians were
interviewed in the 2008 survey. Unlike previous rounds of the survey that were
administered over the telephone, the 2008 survey used a mail questionnaire.
It was conducted by Westat, while the Gallup Organization conducted previous
rounds of the survey. The 2008 survey included questions in new topic areas,
such as coordination of care, malpractice, and physician ownership of equipment
and hospitals.