Results from Tracking 12 Communities, 1997-1999
Compilation of 1998-99 Site Visits
Summer 1999
he Community Report series documents the findings
from site visits to 12 communities (see list below) HSC is studying intensively
to understand how health systems are changing and the impact of these changes
on consumers. Each Community Report is based on extensive interviews
with health care leaders in that market. The Community Report also contains
statistical information from HSCs household, physician and employer surveys.
The 12 communities are:
- Boston, Mass.
- Cleveland, Ohio
- Greenville, S.C.
- Indianapolis, Ind.
- Lansing, Mich.
- Little Rock, Ark.
- Miami, Fla.
- Northern New Jersey
- Orange County, Calif.
- Phoenix, Ariz.
- Seattle, Wash.
- Syracuse, N.Y.