Targeting Communities With High Rates Of Uninsured Children
Despite improved eligibility, enrollment outreach remains the key to getting children insured.
July 25, 2001
Health Affairs, web exclusive (July 25, 2001)
Peter J. Cunningham
ata from the first two rounds of the Community Tracking Study Household Survey show that coverage expansions through the State Childrens Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) have virtually eliminated differences across communities in childrens eligibility for public or private health coverage. Nevertheless, some communities continue to have very high rates of uninsured children, in large part because of lower participation rates in public programs and higher costs for employer-sponsored coverage. Participation in SCHIP may increase in high-uninsurance communities as the new programs mature, although low participation rates in public
programs prior to SCHIP suggest that enrollment barriers may still be greater in such communities.
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