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Public Health Workforce Shortages Imperil the Nation's HealthPublic Appears Unaware of Escalating Threats to Such Basic Services as Disease SurveillanceNews Release FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT:
Factors influencing the workforce shortage include inadequate funding, uncompetitive salaries and benefits, an exodus of retiring workers, insufficient supply of trained workers, and lack of enthusiasm for public health as a career choice, according to the study, which was supported under a grant from a special solicitation for Public Health Systems Research through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundations Health Care Financing and Organization Initiative, which is administered by AcademyHealth. "While local public health agencies have worked to improve workforce monitoring and planning, recruitment, retention, development and training, and academic linkages, little progress has been made to alleviate the shortages," said Debra A. Draper, Ph.D., HSC associate director and coauthor of the study with HSC Senior Consulting Researcher Robert E. Hurley, Ph.D., of Virginia Commonwealth University; and Johanna R. Lauer, an HSC health research assistant. Based on interviews with public health officials in Cleveland; Greenville, S.C.; Indianapolis; Little Rock, Ark.; Orange County, Calif.; and Phoenix, the studys findings are detailed in a new HSC Research BriefPublic Health Workforce Shortages Imperil the Nations Healthavailable here. Representatives of key state and national public health organizations also were interviewed to obtain additional insights and perspectives. Shortages of critical personnel and deficits in key skill areas ranged from significant to severe across public health agencies in each of the six communities, with general agreement that public health nurses are the most difficult personnel to recruit and retain, according to the study. In some communities with public health laboratories, such as Greenville, Orange County, and Phoenix, agencies have difficulty hiring and retaining microbiologists and laboratory technicians. In Little Rock and Orange County, where local health departments also provide medical care, pharmacists and physicians reportedly are reluctant to work for the government for a variety of reasons, including low salaries. In most communities, local health departments also struggle to recruit and retain epidemiologists, sanitarians, clerical staff and information technology specialists. Other key study findings include:
The study concluded that shortages are likely to persist and to worsen given
aggressive competition from the private sector and overall scarcity of key health
professionals. Moreover, while workers skill deficits are less apparent than
worker shortages, they may be more consequential in adversely affecting the
quantity and quality of public health services.
The Center for Studying Health System Change is a nonpartisan policy research organization committed to providing objective and timely research on the nations changing health system to help inform policy makers and contribute to better health care policy. HSC, based in Washington, D.C., is funded principally by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and is affiliated with Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.