Title |
Date |
Document Info |
Consumer-Directed Health Insurance Products: Local-Market Perspectives |
May/June 2006 |
Health Affairs |
Contrary to Cost-Shift Theory, Lower Medicare Hospital Payment Rates for Inpatient Care Lead to Lower Private Payment Rates |
May 2013 |
Health Affairs |
Convergence and Dissonance: Evolution in Private-Sector Approaches to Disease Management and Care Coordination |
November/December 2007 |
Health Affairs |
Creating a Parsimonious Typology of Physician Financial Incentives |
July 10, 2010 |
Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology |
Declining Employer-Sponsored Coverage |
March 2002 |
Medical Care Research and Review |
Delivery of Preventive Services to Older Adults by Primary Care Physicians |
July 27, 2005 |
Journal of the American Medical Association |
Despite the Recession's Effects on Incomes and Jobs, the Share of People with High Medical Costs was Mostly Unchanged |
Oct. 24, 2012 |
Health Affairs |
Differences Between Symptom-Specific and General Survey Questions of Unmet Need in Measuring Insurance and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Access to Care |
September 2007 |
Medical Care |
Disparities Despite Coverage |
Oct. 10, 2005 |
Archives of Internal Medicine |
Do Consumers Know How Their Health Plan Works? |
March/April 2001 |
Health Affairs |
Do Early Career Indicators of Clinical Skill Predict Subsequent Career Outcomes and Practice Characteristics for General Internists? |
Nov. 7, 2012 |
Health Services Research |
Do HMOs Make a Difference? |
Winter 1999/2000 |
Inquiry |
Do HMOs Make a Difference? |
Winter 1999/2000 |
Inquiry |
Do HMOs Make a Difference? |
Winter 1999/2000 |
Inquiry |
Do HMOs Make a Difference? |
Winter 1999/2000 |
Inquiry |
Do HMOs Make a Difference? |
Winter 1999/2000 |
Inquiry |
Do HMOs Make a Difference? |
Winter 1999/2000 |
Inquiry |
Do Primary Care Physicians Treating Minority Patients Report Problems Delivering High-Quality Care? |
April 22, 2008 |
Health Affairs |
Do Reimbursement Delays Discourage Medicaid Participation by Physicians? |
Nov. 18, 2008 |
Health Affairs |
Does Career Dissatisfaction Affect the Ability of Family Physicians to Deliver High-Quality Care? |
March 2002 |
Journal of Family Practice |
Does Managed Care Enable More Low Income Persons to Identify a Usual Source of Care? |
July 2001 |
Medical Care |
Does Telemonitoring of PatientsThe eICUImprove Intensive Care? |
Aug. 20, 2009 |
Health Affairs |
Does Type of Health Insurance Affect Health Care Use and Assessments of Care Among the Privately Insured? |
April 2000 |
Health Services Research |
Does U.S. Hospital Capacity Need to be Expanded? |
November/December 2003 |
Health Affairs |
Don't Break Out the Champagne: Continued Slowing of Health Care Spending Growth Unlikely to Last |
January/February 2008 |
Health Affairs |
Durable Medical Equipment and Home Health Among the Largest Contributors to Area Variations in Use of Medicare Services |
May 2012 |
Health Affairs |
Effects of Changes in Incomes and Practice Circumstances on Physicians' Decisions to Treat Charity and Medicaid Patients |
March 2008 |
The Milbank Quarterly |
Effects of Compensation Methods and Physician Group Structure on Physicians' Perceived Incentives to Alter Services to Patients |
April 2006 |
Health Services Research |
Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance: |
January/February 2002 |
Health Affairs |
Employers' Views on Incremental Measures to Expand Health Coverage |
November/December 2006 |
Health Affairs |
Employment-Based Health Benefits Under Univeral Coverage |
May/June 2008 |
Health Affairs |
Ensuring Health Security: Is the Individual Market Ready for Prime Time? |
Oct. 23, 2002 |
Health Affairs, |
Expanding Care Versus Expanding Coverage: How to Improve Access to Care |
July/August 2004 |
Health Affairs |
Explaining the Increase in Family Financial Pressures from Medical Bills Between 2003 and 2007 |
Sept. 16, 2010 |
Medical Care Research and Review |
Fee-for-Service Will Remain a Feature of Major Payment Reforms, Requiring More Changes in Medicare Physician Payment |
September 2012 |
Health Affairs |
Financial Burden of Health Care, 2001-2004 |
January/February 2008 |
Health Affairs |
Financial Incentives and Physicians' Perceptions of Conflict of Interest and Ability to Arrange Medically Necessary Services |
January 2003 |
Journal of Ambulatory Care Management |
Financial Pressures Spur Physician Entrepreneurialism |
March/April 2004 |
Health Affairs |
Focused Factories? Physician-owned Specialty Facilities |
November/December 2003 |
Health Affairs, |
Follow the Money: Factors Associated with the Cost of Treating High-Cost Medicare Beneficiaries |
Feb. 11, 2011 |
Health Services Research |