Title |
Date |
Document Info |
Rising Rates of Chronic Health Conditions: What Can Be Done?Alwyn Cassil |
November 2008 |
Issue Brief No. 125 |
Electronic Medical Records and Communication with Patients and Other Clinicians: Are We Talking Less?Ann S. O'Malley, Genna R. Cohen, Joy M. Grossman |
April 2010 |
Issue Brief No. 131 |
Innovations in Preventing and Managing Chronic Conditions: What's Working in the Real World?Alwyn Cassil |
June 2010 |
Issue Brief No. 132 |
Even When Physicians Adopt E-Prescribing, Use of Advanced Features LagsJoy M. Grossman |
July 2010 |
Issue Brief No. 133 |
Physicians Slow to E-mail Routinely with PatientsEllyn R. Boukus, Joy M. Grossman, Ann S. O'Malley |
October 2010 |
Issue Brief No. 134 |
Rising Hospital Employment of Physicians: Better Quality, Higher Costs?Ann S. O'Malley, Amelia M. Bond, Robert A. Berenson |
August 2011 |
Issue Brief No. 136 |
Physicians More Likely to Face Quality Incentives than Incentives That May Restrain CareJeffrey Stoddard, Joy M. Grossman, Liza Rudell |
January 2002 |
Issue Brief No. 48 |
Triple Jeopardy: Low Income, Chronically Ill and Uninsured in AmericaMarie C. Reed, Ha T. Tu |
February 2002 |
Issue Brief No. 49 |
Physicians and Care Management: More Acceptance than You ThinkMarie C. Reed, Kelly Devers, Bruce Landon |
January 2003 |
Issue Brief No. 60 |
Seeking Health Care Information: Most Consumers Still on the SidelinesHa T. Tu, J. Lee Hargraves |
March 2003 |
Issue Brief No. 61 |
Has Bioterrorism Preparedness Improved Public Health?Andrea Staiti, Aaron Katz, John F. Hoadley |
July 2003 |
Issue Brief No. 65 |
Leapfrog Patient-Safety Standards are a Stretch for Most HospitalsKelly Devers, Gigi Y. Liu |
February 2004 |
Issue Brief No. 77 |
Emergency Department Diversions: Hospital and Community Strategies Alleviate the CrisisLinda R. Brewster, Laurie E. Felland |
March 2004 |
Issue Brief No. 78 |
Paying for Quality: Health Plans Try Carrots Instead of SticksBradley C. Strunk, Robert E. Hurley |
May 2004 |
Issue Brief No. 82 |
Limited Information Technology for Patient Care in Physician OfficesMarie C. Reed, Joy M. Grossman |
September 2004 |
Issue Brief No. 89 |
Episode-Based Payments: Charting a Course for Health Care Payment ReformHoangmai H. Pham, Paul B. Ginsburg, Timothy K. Lake, Myles Maxfield |
January 2010 |
NIHCR Policy Analysis No. 1 |
Hospital Quality Reporting: Separating the Signal from the NoiseEmily Carrier, Dori A. Cross |
April 2013 |
NIHCR Policy Analysis No. 11 |
Policy Options to Encourage Patient-Physician Shared Decision MakingAnn S. O'Malley, Emily Carrier, Elizabeth Docteur, Alison C. Shmerling, Eugene C. Rich |
September 2011 |
NIHCR Policy Analysis No. 5 |
Primary Care Workforce Shortages: Nurse Practitioner Scope-of-Practice Laws and Payment PoliciesTracy Yee, Ellyn R. Boukus, Dori A. Cross, Divya R. Samuel |
February 2013 |
NIHCR Research Brief No. 13 |
Fostering Health Information Technology in Small Physician Practices: Lessons from Independent Practice AssociationsTimothy K. Lake, Tricia Collins Higgins, Paul B. Ginsburg |
June 2011 |
NIHCR Research Brief No. 5 |