Title |
Date |
Document Info |
Putting the Union Label on Health Benefits: Collective Bargaining and Cost-Saving Strategies |
May 2014 |
NIHCR Research Brief No. 15 |
Inpatient Hospital Prices Drive Spending Variation for Episodes of Care for Privately Insured Patients |
February 2014 |
NIHCR Research Brief No. 14 |
Privately Insured People’s Use of Emergency Departments: Perception of Urgency is Reality for Patients |
December 2013 |
HSC Research Brief No. 31 |
The Potential of Reference Pricing to Generate Health Care Savings: Lessons from a California Pioneer |
December 2013 |
HSC Research Brief No. 30 |
Despite Rapid Growth, Retail Clinic Use Remains Modest |
November 2013 |
HSC Research Brief No. 29 |
If the Price is Right, Most UninsuredEven Young InvinciblesLikely to Consider New Health Insurance Marketplaces |
September 2013 |
HSC Research Brief No. 28 |
High and Varying Prices for Privately Insured Patients Underscore Hospital Market Power |
September 2013 |
HSC Research Brief No. 27 |
The Surge in Urgent Care Centers: Emergency Department Alternative or Costly Convenience? |
July 2013 |
HSC Research Brief No. 26 |
Primary Care Workforce Shortages: Nurse Practitioner Scope-of-Practice Laws and Payment Policies |
February 2013 |
NIHCR Research Brief No. 13 |
Few Americans Switch Employer Health Plans for
Better Quality, Lower Costs |
January 2013 |
NIHCR Research Brief No. 12 |
Employer-Sponsored Insurance and Health Reform: Doing the Math |
December 2012 |
NIHCR Research Brief No. 11 |
Local Public Hospitals: Changing with the Times |
November 2012 |
HSC Research Brief No. 25 |
Emergency Preparedness and Community Coalitions: Opportunities and Challenges |
November 2012 |
HSC Research Brief No. 24 |
U.S. Families' Use of Workplace Clinics, 2007-2010 |
October 2012 |
NIHCR Research Brief No. 10 |
High-Intensity Primary Care: Lessons for Physician and Patient Engagement |
October 2012 |
NIHCR Research Brief No. 9 |
Dispelling Myths About Emergency Department Use: Majority of Medicaid Visits Are for Urgent or More Serious Symptoms |
July 2012 |
HSC Research Brief No. 23 |
Limited Options to Manage Specialty Drug Spending |
April 2012 |
HSC Research Brief No. 22 |
Great Recession Accelerated Long-Term Decline of Employer Health Coverage |
March 2012 |
NIHCR Research Brief No. 8 |
Health Status and Hospital Prices Key to Regional Variation in Private Health Care Spending |
February 2012 |
NIHCR Research Brief No. 7 |
Physician Visits After Hospital Discharge: Implications for Reducing Readmissions |
December 2011 |
NIHCR Research Brief No. 6 |
A Long and Winding Road: Federally Qualified Health Centers, Community Variation and Prospects Under Reform |
November 2011 |
HSC Research Brief No. 21 |
Fostering Health Information Technology in Small Physician Practices: Lessons from Independent Practice Associations |
June 2011 |
NIHCR Research Brief No. 5 |
Health Care Certificate-of-Need Laws: Policy or Politics? |
May 2011 |
NIHCR Research Brief No. 4 |
Physician Practices, E-Prescribing and Accessing Information to Improve Prescribing Decisions |
May 2011 |
HSC Research Brief No. 20 |
State Variation in Primary Care Physician Supply: Implications for Health Reform Medicaid Expansions |
March 2011 |
HSC Research Brief No. 19 |
Coordination Between Emergency and Primary Care Physicians |
February 2011 |
NIHCR Research Brief No. 3 |
Lessons from the Field: Making Accountable Care Organizations Real |
January 2011 |
NIHCR Research Brief No. 2 |
Who Are the Uninsured Eligible for Premium Subsidies in the Health Insurance Exchanges? |
December 2010 |
HSC Research Brief No. 18 |
Workplace Clinics: A Sign of Growing Employer Interest in Wellness |
December 2010 |
HSC Research Brief No. 17 |
Wide Variation in Hospital and Physician Payment Rates Evidence of Provider Market Power |
November 2010 |
HSC Research Brief No. 16 |
Employer Wellness Initiatives Grow, but Effectiveness Varies Widely |
July 2010 |
NIHCR Research Brief No. 1 |
The Economic Recession: Early Impacts on Health Care Safety Net Providers |
January 2010 |
HSC Research Brief No. 15 |
Individual Insurance: Health Insurers Try to Tap Potential Market Growth |
November 2009 |
HSC Research Brief No. 14 |
Suburban Poverty and the Health Care Safety Net |
July 2009 |
HSC Research Brief No. 13 |
Coordination of Care by Primary Care Practices: Strategies, Lessons and Implications |
April 2009 |
HSC Research Brief No. 12 |
General Hospitals, Specialty Hospitals and Financially Vulnerable Patients |
April 2009 |
HSC Research Brief No. 11 |
Living on the Edge: Health Care Expenses Strain Family Budgets |
December 2008 |
HSC Research Brief No. 10 |
Word of Mouth and Physician Referrals Still Drive Health Care Provider Choice |
December 2008 |
HSC Research Brief No. 9 |
How Engaged Are Consumers in Their Health and Health Care, and Why Does It Matter |
October 2008 |
HSC Research Brief No. 8 |
A Health Plan Work in Progress: Hospital-Physician Price and Quality Transparency |
August 2008 |
HSC Research Brief No. 7 |