Title |
Date |
Document Info |
Author |
If the Price is Right, Most UninsuredEven Young InvinciblesLikely to Consider New Health Insurance Marketplaces |
September 2013 |
HSC Research Brief No. 28 |
Peter Cunningham |
Few Americans Switch Employer Health Plans for
Better Quality, Lower Costs |
January 2013 |
NIHCR Research Brief No. 12 |
Peter Cunningham |
San Diego: Health Care Providers Expand Capacity as Competition Increases for Well-Insured Patients |
January 2013 |
CHCF Regional Markets Issue Brief |
Peter Cunningham |
Fresno: Health Providers Expand Capacity, but Health Reform Preparation Lags |
December 2012 |
CHCF Regional Markets Issue Brief |
Peter Cunningham |
Despite the Recession's Effects on Incomes and Jobs, the Share of People with High Medical Costs was Mostly Unchanged |
Oct. 24, 2012 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Safety-Net Providers in Some U.S. Communities Have Increasingly Embraced Coordinated Care Models |
August 2012 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Cost and Access Challenges: A Comparison of Experiences Between Uninsured and Privately Insured Adults Aged 55 to 64 with Seniors on Medicare |
May 2012 |
Kaiser Family Foundation Issue Brief |
Peter Cunningham |
Medical Bill Problems Steady for U.S. Families, 2007-2010 |
December 2011 |
Tracking Report No. 28 |
Peter Cunningham |
Physician Visits After Hospital Discharge: Implications for Reducing Readmissions |
December 2011 |
NIHCR Research Brief No. 6 |
Peter Cunningham |
Raising Low 'Patient Activation' Rates Among Hispanic Immigrants May Equal Expanded Coverage in Reducing Access Disparities |
October 2011 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Economic Downturn Strains Miami Health Care System |
September 2011 |
Community Report No. 11 |
Peter Cunningham |
Mixed Signals: Trends in Americans' Access to Medical Care, 2007-2010 |
August 2011 |
Tracking Report No. 25 |
Peter Cunningham |
Nonurgent Use of Hospital Emergency Departments |
May 11, 2011 |
Senate Testimony |
Peter Cunningham |
State Variation in Primary Care Physician Supply: Implications for Health Reform Medicaid Expansions |
March 2011 |
HSC Research Brief No. 19 |
Peter Cunningham |
Greenville & Spartanburg: Surging Hospital Employment of Physicians Poses Opportunities and Challenges |
February 2011 |
Community Report No. 6 |
Peter Cunningham |
Qualitative Methods: A Crucial Tool for Understanding Changes in Health Systems and Health Care Delivery |
Jan. 21, 2011 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Who Are the Uninsured Eligible for Premium Subsidies in the Health Insurance Exchanges? |
December 2010 |
HSC Research Brief No. 18 |
Peter Cunningham |
Physician Reimbursement and Participation in Medicaid |
Sept. 23, 2010 |
Testimony |
Peter Cunningham |
Explaining the Increase in Family Financial Pressures from Medical Bills Between 2003 and 2007 Do Affordability Thresholds Change Over Time? |
Sept. 16, 2010 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Detroit: Motor City to Medical Mecca? |
August 2010 |
Community Report |
Peter Cunningham |
The Growing Financial Burden of Health Care: National and State Trends, 2001-2006 |
March 25, 2010 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
The Economic Recession: Early Impacts on Health Care Safety Net Providers |
January 2010 |
HSC Research Brief No. 15 |
Peter Cunningham |
Suburban Poverty and the Health Care Safety Net |
July 2009 |
HSC Research Brief No. 13 |
Peter Cunningham |
How Does Health Coverage and Access to Care for Immigrants Vary by Length of Time in the U.S.? |
June 9, 2009 |
Kaiser Family Foundation Report |
Peter Cunningham |
Beyond Parity: Primary Care Physicians' Perspectives on Access to Mental Health Care |
April 14, 2009 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Patient Experience with Coordination of Care: The Benefit of Continuity and Primary Care Physician as Referral Source |
Jan. 6, 2009 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
High Medical Cost Burdens, Patient Trust and Perceived Quality of Care |
Jan. 5, 2009 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Living on the Edge: Health Care Expenses Strain Family Budgets |
December 2008 |
HSC Research Brief No. 10 |
Peter Cunningham |
The Fraying Link Between Work and Health Insurance Trends in Employer-Sponsored Insurance for Employees, 2000-2007 |
November 2008 |
Kaiser Family Foundation Report |
Peter Cunningham |
Do Reimbursement Delays Discourage Medicaid Participation by Physicians? |
Nov. 18, 2008 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
How Engaged Are Consumers in Their Health and Health Care, and Why Does It Matter |
October 2008 |
HSC Research Brief No. 8 |
Peter Cunningham |
Trade-Offs Getting Tougher: Problems Paying Medical Bills Increase for U.S. Families, 2003-2007 |
September 2008 |
Tracking Report No. 21 |
Peter Cunningham |
Caught in the Competitive Crossfire: Safety-Net Providers Balance Margin and Mission in a Profit-Driven Health Care Market |
Aug. 12, 2008 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Community Efforts to Expand Dental Services for Low-Income People |
July 2008 |
Issue Brief No. 122 |
Peter Cunningham |
Falling Behind: Americans' Access to Medical Care Deteriorates, 2003-2007 |
June 2008 |
Tracking Report No. 19 |
Peter Cunningham |
Effects of Changes in Incomes and Practice Circumstances on Physicians' Decisions to Treat Charity and Medicaid Patients |
March 2008 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Financial Burden of Health Care, 2001-2004 |
January/February 2008 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Overburdened and Overwhelmed: The Struggles of Communities with High Medical Cost Burdens |
November 2007 |
Research Report |
Peter Cunningham |
The Health Care Safety Net: What is It, What Good Does It Do, and Will It Still be There When We Need It? |
Fall 2007 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Differences Between Symptom-Specific and General Survey Questions of Unmet Need in Measuring Insurance and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Access to Care |
September 2007 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Insurance Premiums and Insurance Coverage of Near-Poor Children |
Winter 2006/2007 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Identifying Affordable Sources of Medical Care Among Uninsured Persons |
January 2007 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Would Safety-Net Expansions Offset Reduced Access Resulting from Lost Insurance Coverage? Race/Ethnicity Differences |
November/December 2006 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Health Coverage and Access to Care for Hispanics in New Growth Communities and Major Hispanic Centers |
Sept. 21, 2006 |
Research Report |
Peter Cunningham |
Medicaid Patients Increasingly Concentrated Among Physicians |
August 2006 |
Tracking Report No. 16 |
Peter Cunningham |
What Accounts for Differences in the Use of Hospital Emergency Departments Across U.S. Communities? |
July 18, 2006 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
The Struggle to Provide Community-Based Care to Low-Income People with Serious Mental Illnesses |
May/June 2006 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Community Approaches to Providing Care for the Uninsured |
April 11, 2006 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
A Growing Hole in the Safety Net: Physician Charity Care Declines Again |
March 2006 |
Tracking Report No. 13 |
Peter Cunningham |
Medicaid/SCHIP Cuts and Hospital Emergency Department Use |
January/February 2006 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Physician Acceptance of New Medicare Patients Stabilizes in 2004-05 |
January 2006 |
Tracking Report No. 12 |
Peter Cunningham |
The Effects of Medicaid Reimbursement on the Access to Care of Medicaid Enrollees: A Community Perspective |
December 2005 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Syracuse Faces Rising Health Costs; Hospital Competition Grows |
October 2005 |
Community Report No. 9 |
Peter Cunningham |
Perception, Reality and Health Insurance: Uninsured as Likely as Insured to Perceive Need for Care but Half as Likely to Get Care |
October 2005 |
Issue Brief No. 100 |
Peter Cunningham |
Balancing Margin and Mission: Hospitals Alter Billing and Collection Practices for Uninsured Patients |
October 2005 |
Issue Brief No. 99 |
Peter Cunningham |
Community Quality Efforts Expand as Seattle Health Plan Products Evolve |
September 2005 |
Community Report No. 7 |
Peter Cunningham |
Public Coverage Provides Vital Safety Net for Children with Special Health Care Needs |
September 2005 |
Issue Brief No. 98 |
Peter Cunningham |
Medicaid Cost Containment and Access to Prescription Drugs States' Efforts to Contain the Rising Costs of Medicaid Prescription Drugs are Reducing Enrollees' Access to Needed Medications |
May/June 2005 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Most Uninsured People Unaware of Health Care Safety Net Providers |
November 2004 |
Issue Brief No. 90 |
Peter Cunningham |
Availability of Safety Net Providers and Access to Care of Uninsured Persons |
October 2004 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Children's Health Coverage: A Quarter-Century of Change |
September/October 2004 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Trends in Americans' Access to Needed Medical Care, 2001-2003 |
August 2004 |
Tracking Report No. 10 |
Peter Cunningham |
Expanding Care Versus Expanding Coverage: How to Improve Access to Care The Two Strategies Should be Viewed as Complements, not Competitors |
July/August 2004 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Tough Trade-offs: Medical Bills, Family Finances and Access to Care
June 2004 |
Issue Brief No. 85 |
Peter Cunningham |
Changes in Medicaid Physician Fees, 1998-2003: Implications For Physician Participation Despite recent gains, the relative attractiveness of Medicaid patients has not improved much over the longer term |
June 23, 2004 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Popular Medicaid Programs do Battle with State Budget Pressures: Perspectives from Twelve States |
March/April 2004 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Insured Americans Drive Surge in Emergency Department Visits |
October 2003 |
Issue Brief No. 70 |
Peter Cunningham |
Health Care Market Stabilizes, but Rising Costs and State Budget Woes Loom in Boston
Fall 2003 |
Community Report No. 12 |
Peter Cunningham |
SCHIP Making Progress: Increased Take-up Contributes to Coverage Gains |
July/August 2003 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Health Care Cost Concerns Intensify in Little Rock |
Summer 2003 |
Community Report No. 8 |
Peter Cunningham |
Rising Costs Pressure Employers, Consumers in Northern New Jersey Health Care Market |
Winter 2003 |
Community Report No. 4 |
Peter Cunningham |
The Effects of SCHIP on Children's Health Insurance Coverage Early Evidence from the Community Tracking Study |
December 2002 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
SCHIP, Medicaid Expansions Lead to Shifts in Children's Coverage |
December 2002 |
Issue Brief No. 59 |
Peter Cunningham |
The Effects of SCHIP on Children's Health Insurance Coverage An Update Based on Three Rounds of the Community Tracking Study, 1996-97 to 2000-01 |
December 2002 |
Research Report No. 7 |
Peter Cunningham |
Mounting Pressures: Physicians Serving Medicaid Patients and the Uninsured, 1997-2001 |
December 2002 |
Tracking Report No. 6 |
Peter Cunningham |
Counseling Patients to Quit Smoking: Missed Opportunities and the Need to Better Target Physician Counseling |
June 2002 |
Research Report No. 6 |
Peter Cunningham |
Prescription Drug Access: Not Just a Medicare Problem |
April 2002 |
Issue Brief No. 51 |
Peter Cunningham |
Affording Prescription Drugs: Not Just a Problem for the Elderly |
April 2002 |
Research Report No. 5 |
Peter Cunningham |
Treading Water: Americans' Access to Needed Medical Care, 1997-2001 |
March 2002 |
Tracking Report No. 1 |
Peter Cunningham |
Declining Employer-Sponsored Coverage The Role of Public Programs and Implications for Access to Care |
March 2002 |
Journal Article |
Peter Cunningham |
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Access to Medical Care in Managed Care Plans |
October 2001 |
Peter Cunningham |
Physicians Pulling Back from Charity Care |
August 2001 |
Issue Brief No. 42 |
Peter Cunningham |
Does Managed Care Enable More Low Income Persons to Identify a Usual Source of Care? Implications for Access to Care |
July 2001 |
Peter Cunningham |
Targeting Communities With High Rates Of Uninsured Children Despite improved eligibility, enrollment outreach remains the key to getting children insured. |
July 25, 2001 |
Peter Cunningham |
What Accounts for Differences in Uninsurance Rates Across Communities? |
Spring 2001 |
Peter Cunningham |
Do Consumers Know How Their Health Plan Works? Consumers tend to overestimate plan restrictions, especially regarding access to medical Specialists. |
March/April 2001 |
Peter Cunningham |
Some Communities Make Progress in Reducing Children's Uninsurance |
October 2000 |
Data Bulletin No. 19 |
Peter Cunningham |
Who Is Likely to Switch Health Plans? |
July 2000 |
Data Bulletin No. 18 |
Peter Cunningham |
Health Plan Switching: Choice or Circumstance? |
May/June 2000 |
Peter Cunningham |
Recent Trends in Children's Health Insurance No Gains for Low-Income Children |
April 2000 |
Issue Brief No. 29 |
Peter Cunningham |
Tracking Recent Changes in Health Coverage for Low-Income Children with the Community Tracking Study, 1996-1997 and 1998-1999 |
April 2000 |
Research Report No. 04 |
Peter Cunningham |
Who Declines Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance and Is Uninsured? |
October 1999 |
Issue Brief No. 22 |
Peter Cunningham |
Choosing To Be Uninsured: Determinants and Consequences of the Decision to Decline Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance |
October 1999 |
Peter Cunningham |
Pressures on the Health Care Safety Net: Implications for Access to Care for the Uninsured |
April 1999 |
Peter Cunningham |
Managed Care and Physicians' Provision of Charity Care |
March 24-31, 1999 |
Peter Cunningham |
The Uninsured Getting Care: Where You Live Matters |
September 1998 |
Issue Brief No. 15 |
Peter Cunningham |
Ability to Obtain Medical Care for the Uninsured |
September 9, 1998 |
Peter Cunningham |
CHIPing Away at the Problem of Uninsured Children Why Children Lack Health Insurance |
October 1998 |
Research Report No. 02 |
Peter Cunningham |
How Well Do Communities Perform on Access to Care for the Uninsured |
September 1998 |
Research Report No. 01 |
Peter Cunningham |
CHIPing Away at the Problem of Uninsured Children |
August 1998 |
Issue Brief No. 14 |
Peter Cunningham |
Next Steps in Incremental Health Insurance Expansions: Who is Most Deserving |
April 1998 |
Issue Brief No. 12 |
Peter Cunningham |
Uninsurance Rates Vary Widely Across Communities and Regions |
Fall 1997 |
Data Bulletin No. 05 |
Peter Cunningham |
Strong Opinions Held about the Tradeoff Between Choice of Providers and Cost of Care |
Fall 1997 |
Data Bulletin No. 04 |
Peter Cunningham |
Access to Care: Is it Improving or Declining? |
Fall 1997 |
Data Bulletin No. 01 |
Peter Cunningham |
A Changing Picture of Uncompensated Care |
July/August 1997 |
Peter Cunningham |