Center for Studying Health System Change

Providing Insights that Contribute to Better Health Policy


Insurance Coverage & Costs Costs The Uninsured Private Coverage Employer Sponsored Individual Public Coverage Medicare Medicaid and SCHIP Access to Care Quality & Care Delivery Health Care Markets Issue Briefs Data Bulletins Research Briefs Policy Analyses Community Reports Journal Articles Other Publications Surveys Site Visits Design and Methods Data Files

Insurance Coverage & Costs

HSC analyses focus on private and public insurance coverage, the uninsured and the cost of health care. HSC research provides insight into a range of topics, including how health care costs are changing, why the nation's number of uninsured continues to rise and how employer-sponsored coverage is changing.

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AllHSC PublicationsJournal ArticlesMost Popular  
Title Date Document Info  
Tracking Health Care Costs September 2001
Choosing To Be Uninsured:Peter J. Cunningham October 1999
The Health Care Cost-Coverage ConundrumPaul B. Ginsburg, Len M. Nichols Fall 2003
Annual Essay 2002-03
Efficiency and Quality: The Role of Controlling Health Care Cost Growth in Health Care ReformPaul B. Ginsburg June 3, 2009
Tax-free But of Little AccountPaul B. Ginsburg Feb. 16, 2004
Controlling Health Care CostsPaul B. Ginsburg Oct. 14, 2004
Working at Cross Purposes: Health Care Expansions May Jumpstart Local Economies but Fuel Nation's Fiscal WoesChapin White, Paul B. Ginsburg August 2011
Commentary No. 5
Wall Street Analysts Bullish on Managed Care, Bearish on Revolution Health Care Information Technology June 22, 2000
Conference Executive Summary
HSC Conference Focusing on the Nation's Health Care System Finds It Is in Tremendous Turmoil November 19, 1999
Conference Executive Summary
Wall Street Analysts Predict Several Years of Higher Health Plan Premiums June 10, 1999
Conference Executive Summary
Patient Cost Sharing: Promises and Pitfalls Dec. 3, 2003
Conference Transcript
Fifth Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington: June 21, 2000
Conference Transcript
Update on the Nation's Health Care System: November 16, 1999
Conference Transcript
Fourth Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington: June 9, 1999
Conference Transcript
How to Make Tax Credits for Health Insurance Work: The Role of Purchasing Pools April 10, 2001
Conference Transcript
Defining "Defined Contributions": October 10, 2000
Conference Transcript
Individual Health Insurance: Fact, Opinion and Policy October 23, 2002
Conference Transcript
Uninsurance Rates Vary Widely Across Communities and RegionsPeter J. Cunningham, Jeremy D. Pickreign Fall 1997
Data Bulletin No. 05
Trends in Managed Care Coverage in Small Firms Winter 1998
Data Bulletin No. 09

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The Center for Studying Health System Change Ceased operation on Dec. 31, 2013.