Title |
Date |
Document Info |
Generosity and Adjusted Premiums in Job-Based Insurance: Hawaii is Up, Wyoming is Down |
May/June 2006 |
Health Affairs |
Geographic Variation in Fee-for-Service Medicare Beneficiaries’ Medical Costs Is Largely Explained by Disease Burden |
May 28, 2013 |
Medical Care Research and Review |
Geographic Variation in Fee-for-Service Medicare Beneficiaries’ Medical Costs is Largely Explained by Disease Burden |
May 28, 2013 |
Supplementary Appendix |
Geographic Variations in the Cost of Treating Condition-Specific Episodes of Care among Medicare Patients |
July 5, 2013 |
Health Services Research |
Geography and Destiny: Local-Market Perspectives on Developing Medicare Advantage Regional Plans |
July/August 2005 |
Health Affairs |
Getting to the Real Issues in Health Care Reform |
Nov. 12, 2009 |
New England Journal of Medicine |
Growth of Single-Specialty Medical Groups |
March/April 2004 |
Health Affairs |
Health and the Cost of Nongroup Insurance |
Fall 2003 |
Inquiry |
Health Benefits in 2005: Premium Increases Slow Down, Coverage Continues to Erode |
September/October 2005 |
Health Affairs |
Health Benefits In 2006: Premium Increases Moderate, Enrollment In Consumer-Directed Health Plans Remains Modest |
Sept. 26, 2006 |
Health Affairs |
Health Care Market Trends and the Evolution of Hospitalist Use and Roles |
February 2005 |
Journal of General Internal Medicine |
Health Care's Role in Deficit ReductionGuiding Principles |
Oct. 27, 2011 |
New England Journal of Medicine |
Health Center Trends, 1994-2001: What do They Portend for the Federal Growth Initiative? |
March/April 2005 |
Health Affairs |
Health Insurance Expansions for Working Families |
July/August 2002 |
Health Affairs |
Health Plan Pay-for-Performance Strategies |
September 2006 |
The American Journal of Managed Care |
Health Plan Responses to Managed Care Regulation |
Feb. 12, 2003 |
Managed Care Quarterly |
Health Plan Switching: |
May/June 2000 |
Health Affairs |
Health Plans 2010: |
September/October 1998 |
Today's Internist |
Health Spending: |
January/February 1999 |
Health Affairs |
Health System Change in 1997 |
July/August 1998 |
Health Affairs |
Health System Change: |
Winter 1995 |
Health Affairs |
High Medical Cost Burdens, Patient Trust and Perceived Quality of Care |
Jan. 5, 2009 |
Journal of General Internal Medicine |
High Physician Concern About Malpractice Risk Predicts More Aggressive Diagnostic Testing In Office-Based Practice |
August 2013 |
Health Affairs |
Hospital Payment Systems: Will Payers Like the Future Better than the Past? |
January/February 2006 |
Health Affairs |
Hospital-Physician Portals: The Role of Competition in Driving Clinical Data Exchange |
November/December 2006 |
Health Affairs |
Hospital-Physician Relations: Cooperation, Competition or Separation? |
Dec. 5, 2006 |
Health Affairs |
Hospital-Physician Relations: Two Tracks and the Decline of the Voluntary Medical Staff Model |
September/October 2008 |
Health Affairs |
Hospitalists and Care Transitions: The Divorce of Inpatient and Outpatient Care |
September/October 2008 |
Health Affairs |
Hospitals' Geographic Expansion in Quest of Well-Insured Patients: Will the Outcome be Better Care, More Cost, or Both? |
April 2012 |
Health Affairs |
Hospitals' Negotiating Leverage with Health Plans: How and Why it Changed? |
Feb. 21, 2003 |
Health Services Research |
Hospitals' Responses to Nurse Staffing Shortages |
June 26, 2006 |
Health Affairs |
How Do Hospitals Cope with Sustained Slow Growth in Medicare Prices? |
Oct. 1, 2013 |
Health Services Research |
How Prepared are Americans for Public Health Emergencies? Twelve Communities Weigh In |
May/June 2004 |
Health Affairs |
Identifying Affordable Sources of Medical Care Among Uninsured Persons |
January 2007 |
Health Services Research |
Immunization Disparities in Older Americans |
August 2006 |
American Journal of Preventive Medicine |
Improving Health Care Access for Low-Income People: Lessons from Ascension Health's Community Collaboratives |
July 2011 |
Health Affairs |
Information Gap: Can Health Insurer Personal Health Records Meet Patients' and Physicians' Needs? |
March/April 2009 |
Health Affairs |
Insurance Premiums and Insurance Coverage of Near-Poor Children |
Winter 2006/2007 |
Inquiry |
Insurance Product Design and Its Effects |
Summer 2002 |
Inquiry |
Is Health Spending Excessive? If So, What Can We Do About It? |
September/October 2009 |
Health Affairs |