Center for Studying Health System Change

Providing Insights that Contribute to Better Health Policy


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Research Funding

Principles for Research Funding


About HSC


Research Funding


HSC Staff


HSC and Mathematica Policy Research


Career Opportunities


ll research undertaken by HSC shall be consistent with the organization's mission to inform health care decision and policy makers about changes in the health care system at both the local and national levels. Our research goal is to clarify the effects of such changes on people, with the ultimate goal of improving the health and health care of the American public.

To preserve HSC's reputation for high-quality, independent and nonpartisan research, nurtured and sustained during the long period when the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation was the sole source of support, HSC only accepts funding when it retains the right to publish all research results. Final research topic selection, methodological and editorial decisions ultimately reside with HSC.

Guided by these principles, HSC will seek research support from many different types of sources: governmental entities, foundations, and private nonprofit and for-profit organizations.

For questions or further information about supporting HSC research, contact Paul Ginsburg at (202) 484-5261.

Current and Past Research Funders

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
California HealthCare Foundation
Commonwealth Fund
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
National Institute for Health Care Reform (NIHCR)
National Institutes of Health - National Institute on Aging
National Institutes of Health - National Cancer Institute
Peter G. Peterson Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)
RWJF - Changes in Health Care Financing and Organization Initiative, administered by AcademyHealth
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Assistant Secretary for Planning & Evaluation




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Site Last Updated: 9/15/2014             Privacy Policy
The Center for Studying Health System Change Ceased operation on Dec. 31, 2013.