Cutting Back But Not Cutting Out
Small Employers Respond to Premium Increases
Issue Brief No. 56
October 2002
Ashley C. Short, Cara S. Lesser
ising premiums and a weak economy are generating questions about the potential
erosion of health insurance coverage, particularly for the more than 46 million
Americans who work for small firms.1 People working in small firms typically have
less access to coverage than those in large firms. In 2000 and early 2001, the Center
for Studying Health System Change (HSC) conducted its third round of site visits to
12 nationally representative metropolitan areas2
and found that while few small employers actually dropped coverage, many increased the employee share of premiums,
raised copayments and deductibles, switched products and carriers and/or
reduced benefits. With the U.S. economy now in rougher shape, small employers
may pare back coverage even more, putting affordable health care further out of the
reach of workers and their families.
Small Employers Face Higher Premiums
he rising cost of health insurance
has led small employers to
make important changes in the health
insurance they offer their workers.
Insurance premiums rose rapidly for
all firms in 2000 and 2001, but small
firms were hit particularly hard, with
an average hike of 14.5 percent in
2001 (see Figure 1).
Large employers generally made
only modest changes to their insurance
offerings in response to rising
premiums, such as altering cost sharing.3
But small firms often have more
difficulty than larger employers in
affording health insurance for their
workers (see box). Indeed,
small employers in most of the 12 sites
studied took more dramatic action,
- increasing the employee share of
the premium;
- increasing employee cost sharing;
- switching products and carriers;
- reducing services covered;
- tightening eligibility requirements;
- reducing their role in insurance.
Although the extent to which employers adopted these strategies varied (see
Figure 2), the overall trend suggests that people working for small firms
were beginning to face a greater financial burden for their health care costs—even
at a time when the economy was relatively strong.
Figure 1
Percent Increase in Premiums by Firm Size
Source: The Kaiser Family Foundation and Health Research and Educational
Trusts Employer Health Benefits Annual Survey
Figure 2
Number of Sites Reporting Changes in Small Employers Benefits Offerings
Source: Community Tracking Study site visits, 2000-01
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Higher Employee Premium Contributions
mall employers in more than half the
sites studied began shifting a greater
share of premiums to employees in
2000 and 2001. Many firms set their
premium contributions at a fixed percentage,
thus transferring some of the
burden of premium increases to
employees. Some small employers
decreased the percentage they contributed. In a few sites, some employers
went a step further and abandoned the fixed
percentage approach in favor of making a
fixed-dollar contribution, leaving employees
responsible for any premium costs above that
amount. This strategy shifted the premium
increases directly to employees.
Another particularly troubling way small
employers reduced their exposure to premium
increases was to drop all contributions for
dependent coverage. Such policies discouraged
employees from covering their dependents
and created the potential for adverse
selection, since higher costs might deter
healthier families from enrolling. In Miami,
for instance, a broker reported that this trend
was most pronounced in one- to 10-person
firms, and that few employees of these firms
elected dependent coverage as a result.
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More Cost Sharing
mall firms in all 12 sites sought to minimize
premium increases by adding or increasing
deductibles, copayments and coinsurance.
These measures were intended to reduce the
current years premiums by placing a higher
cost burden on consumers who used services.
In addition, they potentially could rein in
utilization, thereby offsetting future increases.
For example, a Syracuse insurance broker
reported that plans had added deductibles of
$200 to $500 for hospital stays. In Boston, plans
increased copayments for office visits from
$5 to $10. And in Little Rock, Ark., some
small employers raised coinsurance to as
much as 40 percent or 50 percent.
Movement toward a three-tier prescription
drug benefit was the most commonly
reported change in out-of-pocket expenses.
Under this scheme, consumers pay progressively
more for generic drugs, preferred
brand-name drugs and nonpreferred
brand-name drugs. Some employers also
replaced fixed dollar copayments with a
percentage coinsurance, increasing workers
costs even more.
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Changing Plans and Carriers
mall firms have more flexibility than large
firms to switch products and plans. As
premiums rose in 2000 and 2001, some
small employers moved to less expensive and
more restrictive product types to reduce net
increases in premiums. For example, some
employers in Orange County, Calif., moved
from preferred provider organizations (PPOs)
to point-of-service products, while in Cleveland
some switched from PPOs to health maintenance
organizations (HMOs).
Other small employers found they could
save on premiums simply by switching carriers.
Some small employers routinely switched
plans for even small cost savings, but with
rapidly rising premiums, more found themselves
shopping around for better deals.
While changes such as moving to more
restrictive forms of coverage and switching
health plans do maintain coverage, they exact
a toll on consumers. Switching products or
plans, particularly a move to managed care
options, can disrupt relationships between
patients and their physicians. For example,
patients whose employers switch to HMOs
may find their physicians do not participate
in the plan, forcing them either to change
doctors or to pay the full cost of their care.
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Fewer Services, Tighter Eligibility
Rules, but Plans Stay In
either small nor large employers relied
heavily on reductions in services covered to
counteract premium increases. In some communities,
however, small employers began to
chip away at their benefits offerings. Some
plans in Miami, for example, eliminated coverage
for fertility treatment, and small firms
in Indianapolis were considering whether to
reduce their coverage for mental illness.
At the same time, large and small employers
were reexamining their eligibility criteria.
Large companies discussed dropping retiree
coverage, as did some of the relatively few
small firms offering such benefits. Small
employers in several sites focused on other
areas to scale back eligibility, establishing
stricter rules for employees and dependents.
For example, some small employers in
Syracuse extended the waiting period for
employee eligibility, and respondents in
Phoenix and Boston predicted employers
in those cities would adopt similar policies.
Small employers in Miami and Greenville,
S.C., went one step beyond eliminating the
premium contribution for dependents and
dropped dependent coverage entirely, creating
concerns among policy makers about the
increasing number of uninsured people
in the area.
Despite speculation that employers
would drop coverage altogether, there was
little evidence of this during the 2000-01
site visits. One exception was Little Rock,
where some small employers allowed
employees to use pretax dollars to buy
individual insurance. While employers
sometimes use this approach to share the
cost of individual coverage, the Little Rock
firms required workers to bear the full
cost of coverage in the more expensive
individual market.
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Implications for Coverage
ven in the thriving economy of 2000 and
early 2001, small employers responses to rising
premiums were making coverage and
care more expensive for workers and their
families. Increases in employees share of the
premium and tighter eligibility requirements
intensified the financial burden of purchasing
coverage. Meanwhile, increased cost sharing
and reductions in benefits strained the
pocketbooks of even those employees who
could afford coverage. Indeed, recent Census
Bureau data show a decline in the proportion
of individuals working in firms with fewer
than 25 employee who received coverage
through their employer in 2001.7
Rising premiums
also may have discouraged some
firms from beginning to offer coverage.
A new, more burdensome round of premium
increases has occurred since these site
visits, as the U.S. economy has remained
sluggish. With financial pressures building,
small employers are likely to cut back even
more on health insurance offerings. Some
may continue to make the kind of changes
observed in 2000 and 2001. Others may find
they have exhausted their arsenal of cost-cutting
mechanisms and decide to drop
coverage altogether, exacerbating the national
problem of the uninsured and feeding future
cost increases.
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Small Firms Struggle to Buy Coverage
ealth insurance coverage generally
costs more for firms with fewer than
50 employees, and many have limited
resources to devote to health benefits.
For example, less than two-thirds (62%)
of small firms offered insurance in 2001,
compared with 97 percent of larger firms.4
Even when small firms offer insurance,
fewer employees enroll, possibly because
they typically earn lower wages than
employees of large firms.5
Indeed, one
study found that only 74 percent of
employees in firms with fewer than 10
employees enroll in their firms health
insurance offerings, compared with 84
percent of employees in firms with more
than 100 workers.6
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1. |
U.S. Census Bureau, County Business Patterns, 2000. The U.S.
Census Bureau defines small firms as those with between one and 49 employees.
2. |
For site visit methodology, see
www.hschange.org. |
3. |
Trude, Sally, et al., Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance: Pressing Problems,
Incremental Changes, Health Affairs, Vol. 21, No. 1 (January/February 2002). |
4. |
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and Health Research and Educational
Trust, Employer Health Benefits: 2001 Annual Survey, The Henry
J. Kaiser Family Foundation (2001). The Kaiser Family Foundation defines
small firms as those with between three and 49 employees. |
5. |
Oi, Walter Y., and Todd L. Idson, Firm Size and Wages, in O. Ashenfelter
and D. Card, eds., The Handbook of Labor Economics, Volume III,
Amsterdam: North-Holland (1999). |
6. |
Cooper, Philip F., and Barbara Steinberg Schone, More Offers, Fewer Takers
for Employment-Based Health Insurance: 1987 and 1996, Health Affairs, Vol.
16, No. 6 (November/December 1997). |
7. |
U.S. Census Bureau, Health Insurance Coverage: 2001. |
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ISSUE BRIEFS are published by the Center for Studying Health System Change.
President: Paul B. Ginsburg
Director of Public Affairs: Richard Sorian
Director of Site Visits: Cara S. Lesser
Editor: The Stein Group
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